Thursday, November 11, 2010

Unit 10: Digital Library, Institutional Repositories (11/15)

Digital Libraries: Challenges and Influential Work

This is an interesting article considering all of the scholarly journals I have had to look up lately. I noticed that many of these journals that started becoming available online all seemed to be scientific journals. 
It would be nice to search for these journal articles in an easier manner like a Google search instead of a Boolean type language or having to enter in a specific journal as I don't have a very vast knowledge of scholarly journals available.

Dewey meets Turing: Librarians, Computer Scientists and the Digital Libraries Initiative

It is interesting to see how libraries and science benefited each other in this digital initiative. Neither could do one without the other. It does seem a little one sided that libraries always do get left in the dust. They, unlike their scientific counterparts, aren't funded the money that hey should be. It is interesting that they aren't because the library is for everyone. I should stop before I get too political...

"Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure for Scholarship in the Digital Age"

This article seems to have some pretty big and nice ideas. I am apprehensive to see how well this really works. I suppose it is because of all of the copyright reading I have done lately. I feel in this instance, this will be a big issue. It would be nice to have such great access and such control over what we want to research and study. It would be great to break down these very rigid and robber baron sort of structures that seem to exist now.

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